This data are used as toy data for several functions of learnMET package.


data.frame providing the dates at which the field crop enters a new growth stage, based on estimations in each environment. "P" refers to planting date and should be provided in the third column. data.frame with:

  1. year: numeric

  2. location: character

  3. columns 3 and +: numeric Date (in Days after Planting) at which the crop enters a new growth stage. "P" refers to the planting date and should contain 0 as value, "VE" to emergence, etc...

This data.frame is provided as AN EXAMPLE. It does not reflect at all the true growth stages observed in each individual environment, but the objective is to provide an example on how information about growth stages can be given by the user and used to estimate phenological intervals.


Cathy C. Westhues