This data are used as toy data for several functions of
learnMET package.
Information about environments where indica rice population was grown.
A data.frame
object with the 4 following columns.
year: numeric
Year label of the environment
location: character
Name of the location
longitude: numeric
longitude of the environment
latitude: numeric
latitude of the environment
Data from the INIA's Rice Breeding Program (Uruguay). Data downloaded from publication Monteverde et al. (2019).
Monteverde E, Gutierrez L, Blanco P, P攼㸹rez de Vida F, Rosas JE, Bonnecarr攼㸸re V, Quero G, McCouch S (2019).
“Integrating molecular markers and environmental covariates to interpret genotype by environment interaction in rice (Oryza sativa L.) grown in subtropical areas.”
G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 9(5), 1519--1531.
Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA). Programa Arroz. Estación Experimental INIA Treinta y Tres, Uruguay
Cathy C. Westhues