This function enables to retrieve daily weather data for each environment and derive environmental covariates over non-overlapping time windows, which can be defined in various ways by the user.

  crop_model = NULL,
  method_GDD_calculation = c("method_b"),
  capped_max_temperature = F,



data.frame Object returned by the function get_daily_tables_per_env()


character Name of the crop model used to estimate the times of the crop stages based on temperature sum accumulation. Current options are maizehybrid1700 and hardwheatUS. Growing degree days are utilized to delineate maize phenology.


character Method used to compute the GDD value, with one out of method_a or method_b.
method_a: No change of the value of \(T_{min}\). GDD = \(max (\frac{T_{min}+T_{max}}{2} - T_{base},0)\).
method_b: If \(T_{min}\) < \(T_{base}\), change \(T_{min}\) to \(T_{min}\) = \(T_{base}\).
Default = method_b.


An object of class data.frame with 10 x number_total_fixed_windows + 1 last column (IDenv):

  1. mean_TMIN: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the average minimal temperature over the respective day-window.

  2. mean_TMAX: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the average maximal temperature over the respective day-window.

  3. mean_TMEAN: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the average mean temperature over the respective day-window.

  4. freq_TMAX_sup30: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the frequency of days with maximum temperature over 30°C over the respective day-window.

  5. freq_TMAX_sup35: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the frequency of days with maximum temperature over 35°C over the respective day-window.

  6. sum_PTT: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the accumulated photothermal time over the respective day-window.

  7. sum_P: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the accumulated precipitation over the respective day-window.

  8. sum_et0: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the cumulative reference evapotranspiration over the respective day-window.

  9. freq_P_sup10: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the frequency of days with total precipitation superior to 10 mm over the respective day-window.

  10. sum_solar_radiation: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the accumulated incoming solar radiation over the respective day-window.

  11. mean_vapr_deficit: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the mean vapour pressure deficit over the respective day-window.

  12. IDenv character ID of the environment (Location_Year)


Cathy C. Westhues