This function enables to retrieve daily weather data for each environment and derive environmental covariates over non-overlapping time windows, which can be defined in various ways by the user.
compute_EC_gdd( table_daily_W, crop_model = NULL, method_GDD_calculation = c("method_b"), capped_max_temperature = F, ... )
table_daily_W |
crop_model |
method_GDD_calculation |
An object of class data.frame
10 x number_total_fixed_windows + 1 last column (IDenv):
mean_TMIN: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the average minimal temperature over the respective day-window.
mean_TMAX: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the average maximal temperature over the respective day-window.
mean_TMEAN: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the average mean temperature over the respective day-window.
freq_TMAX_sup30: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the frequency of days with maximum temperature over 30°C over the respective day-window.
freq_TMAX_sup35: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the frequency of days with maximum temperature over 35°C over the respective day-window.
sum_PTT: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the accumulated photothermal time over the respective day-window.
sum_P: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the accumulated precipitation over the respective day-window.
sum_et0: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the cumulative reference evapotranspiration over the respective day-window.
freq_P_sup10: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the frequency of days with total precipitation superior to 10 mm over the respective day-window.
sum_solar_radiation: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the accumulated incoming solar radiation over the respective day-window.
mean_vapr_deficit: number_total_fixed_windows columns, indicating the mean vapour pressure deficit over the respective day-window.
IDenv character
ID of the environment (Location_Year)
Cathy C. Westhues cathy.jubin@uni-goettingen.de