Computes the genomic relationship after centering and scaling genotype matrix of the training set. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the G matrix are estimated. PCA is applied on the training set and the same transformation is applied on the test set. The goal is to use principal components in prediction models as a smaller number of variables instead of all the marker predictors.
apply_pcs_G_Add(split, geno, num_pcs = 200, ...)
split | An object of class
geno |
num_pcs |
pc_values A data.frame
containing the principal components
in columns and the names of all lines used in the study is contained in the
first column 'geno_ID'. PCs for the lines present in the test set were
computed based on the transformation done on the training set.
Cathy C. Westhues cathy.jubin@uni-goettingen.de